Apricot and Meyer Lemon Curd with Macerated Raspberries

The first time I experienced lemon curd was on pancakes with fresh raspberries. Nathan and I had taken a weekend away in Santa Monica and on our last day, found a breakfast spot that caught our eye. I ordered their special and was blown away by the texture and flavor of the lemon curd and how well it paired with the raspberries! Since then, every time I see lemon curd in a jar, I smile.

Now I tried making an orange curd (tasted too much like an Orange Julius), orange and blackberry, lemon, and then Meyer lemon. Meyer lemon was my favorite because it was tart but NOT TOO tart. I knew apricot paired well with Meyer lemon and so I thought I would try it out in the curd recipe and it is divine! We had some guests try it out and as our friend Chris said, "Wow! Its got a tartness and just the right amount of sweetness." So here you are!

The consistency is key, so stay put and keep whisking your curd until it thickness up to a loose pudding-like texture. It will thicken up even further in the fridge.

All you have to do is Google 'How to use lemon curd' and you will see a lengthy list of uses, which makes curd a year round staple. Oh, and it can be frozen too- even better! Here I will give you a few...

  • Top your strawberry or vanilla ice cream with it.

  • Serve it on pancakes or waffles with some fresh fruit.

  • On a piece of toast alongside some scrambled eggs.

  • Make a yogurt parfait and use the curd as one of the layers.

Family Table Talk

Here is some fun information about this recipe that can be used to spur on loving and open conversations between family and friends!


Yolk vs Egg White- The yolk thicken and makes it creamier whereas the egg white makes curd frothier.

Preservation - Lemon curd can be canned and given as a heart warming gift to those you love.

Historical Use - A replacement for jelly that can be used on toast, biscuits, and scones.

Your Purpose

1. Just as curd adds a depth of flavor to baked goods, what do you add a depth of flavor to?

2. Curd can replace jelly, so, what common thing do you replace with something uncommon?

3. As the egg whites are removed from the yolk, what have you removed from your life to create something more unique?

4. Macerating is about softening, what in your life have you had to soften to continue to grow?

Apricot and Meyer Lemon Curd with Macerated Raspberries

Servings: 4 Time: 45 mins Difficulty: medium

This bright dessert comes together quickly and can be made a few hours in advance. Want to just make the curd? Go for it and use it on pancakes, ice cream and even yogurt. This recipe will yield you 1 1/2 cups of curd.

Curd Ingredients

1/4 cup of cane sugar

1 Meyer lemon, zested

1/4 cup of Meyer lemon juice (about 2 lemons)

1/4 cup of apricot jam

a pinch of salt

5 egg yolks, room temperature

4 tbsp of unsalted butter, room temperature, cubed

Mascerated Berries

20 raspberries

1/2 Meyer lemon, juiced

1 1/2 tbsp of apricot jam

1 cup of heavy whipping cream, soft peaks

48 Nilla wafer

  1. Curd: Set up a double broiler by using a heat safe bowl and filling a sauce pan with water, making sure to not let the water touch the bowl, over medium/high heat.

  2. Place the sugar and zest into the bowl and rub the zest into the sugar with your fingertips. Then pour in the Meyer lemon juice, egg yolks, jam and a pinch of salt. Whisk to combine and when you start to see steam and small bubbles forming in the sauce pan, place the bowl on top.

  3. Whisk your curd for about 10-12 minutes, non-stop and keep your water at a very gentle simmer so that you cook your curd gently. Your curd will go through stages - frothy, opaque and then a pudding like texture. (cook for longer if you need to- I have done this sometimes when I did not have my heat high enough on the stove top). You will be able to coat the back of a wooden spoon and run your finger through it without it running.

  4. Turn off your stove, remove the bowl and place it on a towel to keep it sturdy will whisking. Whisk in your butter a cube at a time (you are emulsifying and want to incorporate your butter fully before adding in more). You will notice your curd will start to get thicker.

  5. Once you are done, cover it will clear wrap and make sure its touching the surface as to not create a film. Place it in the fridge for at least 2 hour, preferably overnight. Your curd will thicken as it cools.

  6. Assembly: Macerated Berries - Place your lemon juice and jam in a small bowl and whisk to combine. Add in your raspberries and gentle toss them with a spoon to coat them. Set aside.

  7. Place your cream in a bowl and whip it until you have reached soft peaks. Set aside.

  8. Crush a handful of Nilla wafer at a time, I place them in a Ziploc bag and crush them with my rolling pin. Fill up your glasses with your crushed wafers.

  9. You can pipe your lemon curd or spoon it in, evenly distribute your curd among your glasses.

  10. You can pipe your whipped cream or spoon it in, evenly distribute it among your glasses.

  11. Top with your raspberries, making sure to drain excess juices before placing it on your cream. Top with some mint and enjoy!

*If you can't find Meyer lemons, regular lemons work just fine, it will just taste a bit more tart.

*You can make your curd in advance as it will keep for up to 4 weeks in an air tight container or freeze your curd and when you are ready to use it let it sit in your fridge for 24 hours to thaw. (National Center for Home Food Preservation)

*You can whip your cream a few hours in advance, just cover, and place it back in the fridge.

*You can assemble your dessert cups a few hours before serving, just keep them in the refrigerator.

*What to do with left over egg whites? Practice making pavlovas or merengues- they pair beautifully with curd OR make a feta, spinach scramble.


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